Finding Moments of Peace

Being a human, difficult times abound.

For all of us.

It’s all a matter of degree.

Strive to find moments of peace within your mind and body.

This is the way.

Train your mind to notice rumination and other unproductive patterns of thought.

Realize that if you habitually judge others, your mind will be in the “habit” of judgement.

Realize that if you habitually judge others, you will turn this judgement inward.

Develop new and evolved habits of thinking.

Find forgiveness for yourself and others.

Understanding we are ALL wounded and confused beings.

Understand that developing the habit of kindness towards self and others is a key -

To evolving our culture and our minds.

Be in the mind space of relaxed clarity as much as possible.

Practice yoga, or tai chi, or go for a walk, or pray for the happiness of everyone, or meditate, or work out, or play music. or write or draw….. all of these experiences can help you connect with the Tao … connect with the true nature of reality….

Find moments of peace….

You got this.

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