Mindflow Radio #49: Power of the Mind!

Inspired by the universe, Monte and I ponder the power of the mind. We are manifesters. Let us create with conscious vision.

This week I have been hibernating from the cold. Monte on the other had has been taking his shirt off and doing cold immersion QI Gong on the back porch. An interesting week for sure.

In this episode: Convo with Jai Lynn and Monte on creation. How can we heal the world and our individual selves? How can we steer our lives into joy, gratitude, and abundance? How can we become more and more aware of the power we hold in our mind? How can we use this power to create a more evolved culture?

MUSIC VIDEOS IN THIS EPISODE: (Filmed live with no effects)

“Elephant Love in 5” by Lotus Head; Monte on keyboard and Jai Lynn on vocals. “Wah Yantee” by Lotus Head; Jai Lynn on harmonium and vocals and Monte on bass. Elephant Love: a song for the elephants. We are the ones, under the sun, protecting the ones, roaming the earth.

Wah Yantee: one of the oldest mantras from Patanjali. Wah Yantee Kar Yantee Juga Duta Patee, Aadak It Wha, Brahmaadaya Traysha It Wha Hey Guroo Great Macroself, Creative Self All that is creative through time, all that is the great one. Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. That is the celebration that takes us out of darkness. Chanting this connects us with all those before us who chanted this.

Mindful Living Kitties