1. I am vastly more powerful than I realize.
2. I am a soul being having a temporary human experience.
3. I take full responsibility for my current situation.
4. I find stillness in my mind periodically throughout the day.
5. I am moderate with screen time, sugar, drugs, and alcohol.
To upgrade our belief system is a noble and worthwhile endeavor. However, this necessitates reprogramming our subconscious mind, which is no easy task. To accomplish this requires wisdom, focus, effort and resolve. That being said, the rewards of reprogramming, (upgrading), our subconscious minds are immense.
The goal of this upgrade in our belief system is to get more in harmony with the Universe.
Theoretically, as we become more in harmony with the universal energy, the universe supports us… and as the universe supports us we have vastly more manifesting ability. Once we are on the path towards this lofty goal, we feel empowered, we have more energy and we are moving towards tapping into our innate power.
In working on shifting our belief systems, we will be physically rewiring our brains. This is why sustained effort, (resolve) is a necessary component to supercharging your manifesting abilities.
We live in a culture that promotes the quick fix…. I.e. take a pill, take some magic mushrooms, dabble in meditation or prayer, say a few positive affirmations. But the reality of the situation requires a much more significant and sustained effort to achieve such a challenging yet realistic goal.
This is obviously not the path for everyone right now. Many of us are caught up in fear, self-righteous anger, victim-stancing, judgement, materialism, arrogance, etc. These mental states tend to give us tunnel vision that in turn make it virtually impossible to see beyond our cultural belief system.
That being said, for those who are curious about the possibilities of personal evolution, this path is for you.
It is also important to realize that this path of progress is also a path of adventure and excitement. As with any challenge there will be obstacles that test us, but for me the pain of stagnation is far worse than the pain of growth.
To walk down the path of improving our minds, (self-improvement), is to develop a growth mindset. It is letting go of past feelings of victimhood and taking responsibility for our own life experience. It is developing an attitude of empowerment which will naturally help us to reduce anxiety and depression. It is the path of the exploring the great adventure that lies before us.
It is living on the cutting edge of human potential. It leads to seeing the challenges of life as opportunities to grow and evolve. It is a rewarding path for those who are willing to put into the time and effort to shift our beliefs and our mind sets. It takes courage and a light heart to explore your potential! Perhaps now is the destined time for humanity to begin to explore our abilities to grow more peaceful, powerful and harmonious. For me personally, I find this challenge a welcome one and I realize around the world there are many others who are also attempting to walk the path of harmony and transformation.
